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Quality standard

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SAGAT's commitment to PRM service

Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) Circular GEN 2, which implements EC Regulation 1107/2006, sets out the required quality standards for passengers with reduced mobility (PRM) in attachment 1.
The Regulation specifies that in order to receive assistance passengers must contact the operating airline at least 48 hours before the published flight departure time.

The carrier must then book the assistance service by contacting the airport management at least 36 hours before the departure of the flight.

The Airport management company shall do its utmost to provide the necessary assistance services even if no booking is made, but obviously cannot guarantee the same level of quality.

SAGAT agrees to respect the following minimum service levels, defined at European level, for services for passengers with reduced mobility:

Departing Passengers - waiting Time at Call Points
Booking made at least 36 hours before the departure of the flight:
80% of passengers with reduced mobility receive assistance within 10 minutes of requesting it;
90% of passengers with reduced mobility receive assistance within 20 minutes of requesting it;
100% of passengers with reduced mobility receive assistance within 30 minutes of requesting it.

Arriving Passengers - Waiting Time Before Desembarkation
Notification given by the carrier:
80% of passengers have to wait no more than 5 minutes;
90% of passengers have to wait no more than 10 minutes;
100% of passengers have to wait no more than 20 minutes.
In accordance with current procedures, passengers with reduced mobility disembark after other passengers.

Unbooked Passengers
80% of passengers must not wait more than 25 minutes for disembarkation.
(1) Disembarkation of passengers with reduced mobility takes place, according to the procedures in force, at the end of disembarkation of the other passengers.

Furthermore, in order to minimise waiting time for disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility, SAGAT is committed each year to high quality standards, as set out in the Service Charter.

Procedures are in place to ensure the use of appropriate equipment in good condition in each operation (procedures for acquisition, verification and correct use of equipment in each operation).

Information At The Airport
Accessibility: 100% of the essential information is accessible to passengers with visual, hearing and motor disabilities, in relation to the total amount of essential information (relating in particular to flights, possible delays, baggage collection, assistance and airport services available).

Communication With Passengers
SAGAT is constantly committed to verifying that the established quality standards are respected. This is done by monitoring service levels and surveys to gauge the satisfaction of Passengers with Reduced Mobility in relation to the services received. Checks on the quality provided and the quality perceived are carried out in accordance with the provisions of Enac Circular GEN-06.
Number of replies to complaints provided on time: 100%.


For reports, suggestions or claims about the assistance service provided by SAGAT to passengers with reduced mobility, please contact:


SAGAT S.p.A. -  Torino Airport
Strada San Maurizio, 12, 10072 Caselle Torinese (TO)